I am back to interpreting in the evenings after my day job. I am a Sign Language Interpreter. I love being able to say that. It sounds so much cooler than “I’m an accountant.” Which I am; I am an accountant, but I am also a Sign Language Interpreter, and after a six year hiatus, I am back, baby.
I am so very grateful that I am working. So.Damn.Grateful. This week is my first week of almost an entire semester of working every weekday evening. I go from day job, run home, feed the dog, 2 cats, and myself, and then run out to interpret for the evening. Now, normally, my bedtime is 9pm, but that is not going to happen for awhile. I don’t get home until 10 or 10:30 most evenings, and sleep hasn’t been coming until after 11:00. So, for this chick who is used to getting up at 5am; I’m a bit sleepy this Friday.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: OH MY…….but as the song says, “I can sleep when I’m dead.”
But, I CAN do this. I have to do this. It feels good to have my hands moving again, and my brain working in that very special way an interpreter’s mind works. Yeah, call me in December after my umpteenth week of five nights a week, and see how perky and optimistic I sound.
And, things I am looking forward to:
*A poetry class with Maya Stein starting October 1 (I hope to fill my blog with my musings after this class)
*The new Cultivate Courage workshop with Andrea Scher starting October 8 (I am going to come to work wearing a superhero cape after this class)
*Our annual girls weekend to Park City, Utah (I hope not to have a week-long hangover after this one)
And here is me saying to myself in a bathroom mirror: “You got this, beyotch.” (as an assignment for another of Andrea Scher’s classes: Treasure Hunt)
Excuse me now as I lay my head down on this accounting spreadsheet for just a minute…