Monday, January 24, 2011

january girls dinner: Piece


Heather chose Piece for January's dinner.  Piece is one of those popular places in Wicker Park, so we had to wait an hour to be seated.  I was just about at the end of my rope, when we were called for our table.  It was a really close call.  I almost snapped as I am known to do when I get hungry.

It was wonderful to welcome Aimee back after her short hiatus due to childbirth.  Here she is enjoying a beer (it was a long, hard, dry nine months for her).

There were five of us so we ordered a big salad and two pizzas.  We had one 'red' pizza with tomatoes, spinach, garlic, and artichoke and one 'plain' pizza with sausage and olives.  The difference between a red pizza and a plain pizza is the red pizza is a traditional pizza with red sauce and mozzarella cheese, and a plain pizza has red sauce and parmesan cheese.  Both pizzas were well received and devoured. 

We also ordered the chocolate hazelnut pizza which tasted like Nutella.  Why in the hell haven't I ever thought of making a Nutella pizza?  Genius, pure genius.

My only complaint (besides a long wait) at Piece, is the volume of the joint.  It is one of those places that is very loud and it makes it difficult to have a conversation.  Unfortunately, I think the last few dinners we have had have been at loud restaurants.  We are in need of a more laid back place where we can really talk and not have to strain to hear one another.

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