Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, Monday

It’s only 9am, and I feel like I’ve been through the ringer. I woke up a little bit late this morning, so that meant only a 20 minute workout. Well, that’s fine, it’s better than nothing, right? I go to the bathroom, flush, and out comes all kinds of water. I kind of stand there in amazement: Wow, I’ve never seen water this deep outside of the bathtub before. By this time, my feet are wet, and I grab the plunger and get to work. The toilet flushes successfully, but the damage is already done. There’s a lot of water on the bathroom floor. I go to the closet to grab the rags and realize, shit, all that purging of stuff I didn’t need meant I threw away a lot of old towels and rags. Grrrrrr. I do the best with what I can find, and all the while yelling at the dog that now is not the time and place to play tug-o-war with these wet pee-pee towels. I call Ignacio at work and ask him if he took a hell of a dump this morning, and I can almost see him pumping out his chest, “Yes! Yes, I did.” Well, that explains why the toilet didn’t flush.

I just want to shower so I can wash my wet feet and get some shoes on before I clean the rest of the mess. Now I’m thinking I can stop at Target before work because I’m running early, and I’m feeling a little under the weather, and I really need some Emergen-C.

I finish getting ready, throw all the wet towels in the tub (I’ll go down to the laundry room after work to wash them all), I send out Ruby the Roomba to vacuum while I am doing my thing. Yes! The house is shaping up (other than a pile of soaking wet pee pee towels in the bathtub).

I am ready to leave; I just need to make my chai green tea with honey into my travel mug before I go. I really need a big one this morning because of how ‘crappy’ the morning has been. Ahhh shit, there is only ONE of my very favorite K-cups of chai green tea left. Ok well, this one is going to make feel warm and cozy once I get to work.

My purse is ready; I put my travel mug filled with my morning elixir into my ‘other’ bag. (The ‘other’ bag contains a couple of journals, mail to sort through, knitting projects, books, etc. Yes, the thing weighs a ton). I make it to the hallway and am ready to turn the doorknob, and I feel that my foot is wet again. The feeling of wet feet is so familiar from the bathroom incident. I swear my brain is working in slow motion today. I look down, and SON OF A BITCH! My travel mug was turned to “open” and my precious morning elixir has spilled all over my finish knitting projects, my mail, my books, my moleskin journal, my to-do journal, my Christmas gift and New Years resolution journal. Seriously? What does all of this spilt shit mean?

I don’t even have the money to buy a coke from the machine today to make up for my morning elixir. I’ve already stolen $1 out of the F-box for my weekly lottery ticket purchase. (Ignacio and I have started an F-box. We are trying to stop saying the “F” word, and whoever says it has to put a dollar in the F-box).

I’ve made it to work and have no morning elixir and I feel like crap. I wasn’t able to purchase the Emergen-C. I just looked in my drawers and found a bottle of DayQuil. There’s a fourth of a bottle left. Maybe if I take the whole bottle, I can just pass out for awhile and forget this morning ever happened. But then again, it’s freaking DayQuil, not NightQuil.

1 comment:

  1. Do we have to stop saying the f word too? That will be quite difficult.

    Laura - 801
