Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5 minutes (#reverb10)

Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead. With Reverb 10 - and the 31 prompts our authors have created for you - you'll have support on your journey.

Prompt: 5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.

Author: Patti Digh

 witnessing my nephew, Cooper’s, enjoyment at seeing Billy Elliott

 seeing my Uncle Rich and being shocked at his resemblance to my father both physically and his mannerisms

 my AZ trip with the girls

 my outings (movies and dinners) with girlfriends

 deeper relationships with the above girlfriends

 my deepening desire to create (photos, a movie, etc)

 new relationships/friendships created through Mondo Beyondo

 2 fantabulous dinners at Girl and The Goat

 delicious sunrises over the lake

I feel like that is kind of lame list, but I really couldn’t think of much else. Let’s hope that 2011 is much more exciting.

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