Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I'm Dog-Tired

I am dog-sitting for cute Gabby.  That means there are two cats and two dogs in my small condo this week.  It also means I sleep in the back bedroom on a twin trundle bed close to the floor so that the dogs are able to jump up on the bed without yelling (barking) at me for assistance.
Last night, as I was trying to fall asleep, I was wishing how I could have someone take a picture of me with my menagerie of animals.  But, if I were to ask Ignacio to come in to take a picture of the spectacle, most of the animals would jump out of bed, and then it would take me another 20 minutes to calm everyone down, and get cozy in bed.
So, I did the next best thing.  I hired an artist to draw their best rendition of my nighttime follies.
 So, there is Gabby, the dog, at my head (it is cold in the bedroom), Sweetness, the cat, next to the pillow, Camel, the dog, trying her best to spoon with me.
Yes, my feet hang off of the bed.
No, I dare not move the entire night, lest I wake someone up, and then they all get up, and want to pee or want to play or want treats or want a belly rub.  I stay as still as possible the entire night.
Yes, I wake up stiff and achy. 
No, I haven’t made it to the gym this week.
Yes, I am still waiting for the fourth animal to join us.

(I am really liking how thin the artist depicted me)


  1. This is one of the few times where kids>pets.
    I can tell the kids to get out of my effing bed.
