Sunday, April 11, 2010

Signature Look

I do believe I've done it.  I have found my signature look for summer.

For winter, thanks to the 40 year old bully, my signature look was any outfit that allowed me to wear the red patent leather boots.  I felt a little special any time I wore those boots.

And now, thanks to this Etsy shop, I have a look for the summer, that will hopefully make me feel a little special any time I wear it.
I just love the idea of a flower in my hair, and this headband is perfect.

I am an Etsy shopper these days.  I love the idea of buying hand-made items.  In addition, sometimes it just easier to find the exact thing you are looking for.  I've had some great luck in recent weeks finding the exact pair of earrings, cat/dog treat jar, and flower for my hair that I was needing.


  1. Excellent photo!! Love the look. I so want one!! Tam

  2. I want to say that it's a nice look, but it's hard to tell with a big honkin' camera in the way. ;-)

  3. i love flowers in the hair--makes me want to put on mine :)

  4. Love it! I need some kind of signature look other than the "rolled out of bed and put on shorts and flip flops" look. (Working from home has its advantages and disadvantages.)

  5. Nice photo BUT we can't see your pretty face!!

  6. wow! it's beautiful natelie. what flower is it? looks like an orchid.

  7. I love it! I have a hard time with headbands .. they hurt my head after a while .. but I may have to try again.

  8. Alison.. Yes, it is an orchid.

    Elizabeth.. the headband was really comfortable. I have had the headache experience before, but not when I wore this one.
